


首先在介绍方法之前,我先给英语口语水平分3个级别。level0,level1和level2。无论刚开始学ABC还是大学过了四,六级,大部分人的口语level都是0,是的别不服气。什么是level1,0和1的区别就是当你说英语时候可以脱口而出,不用先在脑海里把要表达的中文翻译成英文。 阅读全文 >>

Take Your Kids to Work Day

When you’re a working parent and your child has never even visited your office or place of work, it’s hard to communicate to them what exactly you do and why you are never home during the day. One of the best ways for your child to understand what you do all day is to actually let them visit you. Thus “Take Your Kids to Work Day” was born! In some areas of Canada, this is actually a program instituted in schools, but for office workers in particular around the world, Take Your Kids to Work Day can be any day.

Why It’s a Good Idea

Taking your kids to work can not only fill up a non-school day if you can’t find a babysitter, but can create fond memories for a child of a day at the office or workplace with their parent. It makes them feel special and stands out from the ordinary, boring school day. With proper rules, your coworkers won’t mind, and might even enjoy the break from the normal boring office routine as they drop by to say hi to your children. 阅读全文 >>

Every day English(2005-12-16–2006-01-25)


    1) Are all the utilities included?/这房子免付水电费?
    2)Are pets allowed in the apartment?/可以饲养宠物吗?
    3)I can't afford a moving company to help me move./我请不起搬家公司帮我搬家。
    4)When will it be available for me to move in?/我什么时候可以搬进来?
    5)I prefer a furnished apartment over an unfurnished one./含家具和不含家具的房子,我选前者。 阅读全文 >>

Every day English(2005-12-5–2005-12-13)


    1) Should we order separately or as a group?/分开点还是合着点菜?
2It is economical to eat out with friends./跟朋友一起到外面吃比较经济。
3More rice, pls!/请加饭。
4Can we have the dishes in small portions?/菜的份量弄小份的可以吗?
5I will bring home the left overs in a box./我要把剩菜打包回家。
6Don't pick your teeth publicly./别在公开场合剔牙。 阅读全文 >>

Every day English(2005-11-25–2005-12-2)


    1) Don't go out by yourself at night!/晚上别一个人出门。
    2)This is truly an eye opening experience for me./这经历真是令我大开眼界。
    3)Hold the saliva!/不要把口水喷出来!
    4)I am out of breath!/我喘不上气了!
    5)You are singing off-key./你唱歌走调。 阅读全文 >>

Every day English(2005-11-17–2005-11-24)



1)What time is convenient for you?(fault)  What time is good for you?(correct)/什么时间你有空?

2)I slept early.(fault)  I went to bed early./我睡得早。


1)go jogging/慢跑(不说"run") 阅读全文 >>

Every day English(2005-11-8–2005-11-14)

2005-11-8    出席会议/attending a meeting

    1) I would like you to attend the meeting./我希望你能参加这个会议。
    2)The president wish to see you at the meeting./总裁让你出席这次会议。
    3)I think I can attend./我想我能出席。
    4)I must be present./我一定出席。
    5)I'm terribly sorry, but I can't attend it since I have to be with a client./非常抱歉,我无法参加,因为到时候我得陪一位客户。
    6)Can I let others attend on my behalf?/我让别人代表我出席行吗? 阅读全文 >>

Every day English(2005-10-31–2005-11-7)


    Talking about Studies

    1) What's your background? /你是什么学历

    2)You can take English Conversation as an optional course. /你可能选修英语对话课。

    3)Nobody can get him in physics. /物理谁也比不过他。

    4) He has no equal in English study. /论英语学习他没有对手。 阅读全文 >>

Every day English(2005-10-24–2005-10-28)


    Telephone conversation:  

    1) hold the line/请稍候  Pls hold the line and I'll call her.

    2) put sb. through/转接  I will put you through.

    3) be engaged/占线  The line is engaged/busy.

    4) extension/分机  May I have ext.1000? 阅读全文 >>